3D Guided Dental Implant Surgery in Bangalore

With the use of advanced dental technology, 3D guided surgery brings promising results and assures you a safe procedure with faster healing time.

This is also known as Computer Guided Surgery that uses precise guidance, allowing a virtual roadmap of your treatment plan.

How is 3D Guided Implants Surgery done?

This implies an initial profound planning of each individual case on a specific designed software utilizing the patients three-dimensional computertomogramm (CT). With the help of this 3D software, the ideal position and size of each dental implant is planned virtually according to the most suitable jaw areas. This data of implant position and implant size is then transferred into a 3D printed plastic device, the so-called 3D surgical guide. During the surgical procedure the dental implant insertion will be guided with exact planned precision by means of this 3D surgical guide.

Benefits Of 3D Guided Dental Implants Surgery

  • Precise and predictable dental implant placement
  • Eliminates the need for soft tissue incisions
  • Decreased risk of damage to surrounding healthy tissues
  • Reduced postoperative complications such as swelling, bruising and pain
  • Faster healing time
  • Reduced risk of biomechanical complications and failure

What are the benefits over traditional implant placement?

A major benefit for the patient is a decrease in postoperative symptoms such as swelling, bruising, and pain. When using a 3D surgical guide, the implant insertion can be carried out minimally invasive and thus less traumatic. There is no need for extended soft tissue incisions in order to visualize the bony surgical field because all the information of implant position is saved within the 3D surgical guide. Implants are inserted with exact precision as three-dimensionally planned into most suitable bony areas and the risk of damage of important anatomical structures in the vicinity is clearly decreased.

Another benefit is that sutures can be completely avoided and the whole surgical procedure can be carried out faster.

Even in complex cases where patients have very compromised amounts of bone, the use of 3D-guided implantology may overcome the need of additional bone augmentation procedures due to the possibility of very precise planning and execution of implant installment.

An optimal 3-dimensional positioning of the dental implant reduces the risk of biomechanical complications and failure in the long term which might take place subsequent to wrong positioning of the implant.

How long does the entire planning take?

Initially, a consultation with CT scan is absolutely necessary. In some cases, impressions of the patient’s teeth might be needed as well. Once the case is virtually planned on the 3D software, all information is electronically sent abroad for the fabrication of the 3D surgical guide. It usually takes no longer than 2 weeks until the 3D surgical guide is received for surgery.

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Authored By Dr. K Prem Anand - Facio Maxillary & Aesthetic Surgeon, Bangalore

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