Dental Fillings

Dental filling in Bangalore can be done in one day! As you have a unique dental case, your dentist will examine your tooth to detect any minor fractures or carries and determine a treatment plan that is best suitable during a consultation.

During the appointment, a dentist will numb the area around the tooth using local anesthesia. Next, the decay will be completely removed and the hole will be filled with the chosen material. You can leave right after your appointment, though it is recommended to have a follow-up to ensure the health of your tooth and filling.

Benefits of Dental Filling

  • Restores your smile
  • Protects your tooth from future decay
  • Strengthens a fractured tooth and overall tooth structure
  • Tooth can remain with its natural shape and color

Whether your teeth have gotten chipped, worn down or began to decay, dental fillings can restore your smile! Many do not realize that a filling can work wonders on any of your teeth. There are different purposes for them but the most common is to ‘fill in’ a cavity. This is one way to save your tooth and prevent the tooth from getting another cavity in the future.

Dental fillings are also used to restore a chipped tooth or any tooth that has been worn down. This may have occurred due to teeth grinding or habits such as nail biting. Fillings are made with different materials which may be determined by the dentist during your consultation.

When getting teeth fillings in Bangalore, the dentist will aim to preserve your smile’s natural beauty through careful diagnosis and determining the treatment plan for your specific dental case. It is important to see the dentist even if you do not sense any pain in order to save a tooth before it is too late.

Types of Dental Filling

The common types of dental filling in Bangalore include gold, amalgam and composite resin. The type of material that will be used for your dental filling will be chosen based on the factors of the extent of decay, location of tooth, cost and overall recommendation of the dentist for your needs.

  1. Composite Filling
    Composite fillings are a common choice for patients as they are tooth-colored to match your natural smile. This can then be suitable to be used for the front teeth as well. It is made with a combination of a ceramic and plastic compound. These have great support with the bonding of your tooth and can fix chipped or worn down teeth. This imitates the enamel of your natural tooth with the use of hard plastics and glass.
    Although, they may not last as long as other materials under great pressure of chewing forces. They may also require more dental visits if the composites are used for the purpose of inlays or onlays on a tooth.
  2. Amalgam/Silver Filling
    These are metal fillings that can be made with silver, copper tin and zinc. In many cases, this material has longer durability than composite resin and can withstand strong chewing abilities. If you are concerned about costs, then amalgam fillings are a go-to.
    One disadvantage includes the poor aesthetics as it will not match your true tooth color. Furthermore, our dentists aim for minimal invasive dental treatments, however, using silver requires removing enough healthy parts of the tooth in order to hold the filling in place. Additionally, amalgam material is more likely to have an issue with cracks and fractures appearing.
  3. Gold Filling
    Proceeding with gold filling brings great durability with powerful strength for chewing forces. Some also prefer gold for its aesthetics over silver and as an accessory that pleases the eye. One disadvantage you may come across is the cost, especially in comparison to amalgam.

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Authored By Dr. K Prem Anand - Facio Maxillary & Aesthetic Surgeon, Bangalore

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