
Excessive exposure to the sun can cause the skin to turn dark. This darkened skin is usually a result of the body’s natural defense system. This means that when the skin is exposed to harmful sun rays, it forms a protective layer to protect the skin from further damage.

However, tanning can also lead to pigmentation and marks on the skin. Often times it damages the skin so badly that it starts to peel away. Darkening of already-existing pigment in the skin and a modest increase in pigment production result in a deeper tan tone. Melanocytes are the cells that create this pigment on the skin.

There are plenty of treatment options to help get rid of discoloration permanently. Our highly experienced team of expert doctors recommend the following types of treatment:


Suntans are caused by too much exposure to the sun, resulting in the over-production of melanin in the skin. UVA rays penetrate the deeper layers of the epidermis and activate the melanocytes, which produce pigmentation. Essentially, the production of melanin is the body’s way of protecting the skin against burning.


To help avoid age spots and new spots after treatment, follow these tips for limiting your sun exposure:

  • Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Because the sun's rays are most intense during this time, try to schedule outdoor activities for other times of the day.
  • Use sunscreen. Fifteen to 30 minutes before going outdoors, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor 50 . Apply sunscreen generously, and reapply every two hours — or more often if you're swimming or perspiring.
  • Cover up. For protection from the sun, wear tightly woven clothing that covers your arms and legs and a broad-brimmed hat, which provides more protection than does a baseball cap or golf visor. Consider wearing clothing designed to provide sun protection. Look for clothes labeled with an ultraviolet protection factor SPF 50 to get the best protection.

Sun Tan Removal can be easily treated at our clinic with the help of several treatment options. You can avail non-invasive and topical options to get rid of your skin’s tan complexion. Following are some of the tan removal methods available at Anew Cosmetic Clinic!

Treatment Options

Chemical peels

Our advanced range of Chemical peels are used to help get rid of any damaged skin cells. It also helps promote younger-looking skin. It is an effective form of treatment for age tan removal on the hands. The skin also heals at a faster rate after the use of a chemical peel.



A laser device is used to break the melanin pigment which ultimately minimizes the tan. A high intensity monochromatic coherent light from a laser gets converted into heat energy which when used on the skin and targets the melanin pigment without damaging the neighbouring tissue. These lasers get rid of the excess of melanin.

The chances of getting a suntan and sunburn are high during the summer season. Sunburn leads to suntan.

One way to avoid suntan is to use sunscreen. Sunscreen should have SPF of at least 15, but sunscreen of greater SPF should be used like SPF 50 if you are going out for long hours in the sun

Does it hurt ?

Following treatment, the pain is minimal to nonexistent.

How many sessions do I need ?

Typically few sessions are necessary to completely remove the spots depending on how many there are and on which area of the body. Occasionally, darker and larger lesions may require additional treatment to obtain optimal results.

How long do treatments take?

Depending on the number, size, and location of the tanned area, the laser treatment sessions usually take only a few minutes.

Will the spots return after treatment?

Not usually. In general, we find that laser removal of age spots is permanent, however people do sometimes see new spots appear as they go back out into the sun. These are new spots forming as a result of age spots, not a recurrence of the old, removed spots. Optimal results can be maintained only if you apply sunscreen diligently on the treated area and avoid future sun exposure

Are these treatments safe?

Yes. Lasers and advanced light systems have been used safely on millions of patients of all ages worldwide. At Anew we use one of the finest state-of-the art Lumenis system that are US-FDA approved. These systems treat only the targeted lesions (spots), leaving the surrounding tissue intact. There are many benefits to laser surgery including little if any pain, no need for injections or needles, and no bruising or swelling. There is no risk of scarring or discolouration.

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Authored By Dr. K Prem Anand - Facio Maxillary & Aesthetic Surgeon, Bangalore

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