Earlobe Repair (Lobuloplasty) in Bangalore

Earlobe repair is a precision cosmetic surgery performed to repair large ear holes or split earlobes. Ear lobe repair is required when they undergo damage due to piercings, heavy earrings, accidental damage or injury or structurally weak ear lobes. The treatment for ear lobe damage is called Otoplasty.

What is the goal of earlobe surgery?

We divide various surgeries aimed at earlobe restoration into two groups:

  • Earlobe repair includes reconstruction of deformities such as torn, split and arising from ear stretching and gauging.
  • Cosmetic procedures include earlobe reduction, resizing and reshaping.

Earlobe Repair Surgery

How is it done?

The cosmetic surgeon extends the split downwards to complete the ear. He then stitches together the split with minimum sutures to make the ear whole again. The sutures are kept in place for a week after which the doctor will remove them during a follow-up visit.The split/torn earlobe is repaired under local anaesthesia. The procedure is performed as a day-care procedure.

What are the benefits of Earlobe repair?

  • Ears are an essential part of the face. Any abnormality is immediately noticeable. Enlarged ear holes or split earlobes don’t look aesthetically pleasing.
  • Earlobe repair is a day care procedure, and you don’t have to stay back. It takes around an hour for the entire procedure.
  • It is a quick, easy and painless way to restore the earlobe permanently.
  • You can get an ear piercing again.

What is split earlobe repair (Torn earlobe)?

Split earlobe in the other word torn earlobe can occur due to wearing earrings for many years. The use of heavy earrings because of its weight pulls the skin down and results in lengthening of the ear holes downward. Thin or weak tissue due to aging predispose to tear.

Not only due to piercing, but sometimes split earlobe also occur even the person never had piercing. Tight clip-on earrings squeeze the skin and decrease the blood perfusion of the tissue.

As a result, lessening blood flow may lead to skin necrosis and eventual torn that needs an earlobe repair.

What is ear stretching repair (Ear gauging)?

Ear stretching has gained popularity in recent years in some population. It is a way to express a person’s individuality. Various jewelry materials expand the ear piercing hole gradually. However, hole expansion due to ear stretching makes the surrounding tissue thinner. As the hole expands, the surrounding tissue becomes thinner irreversibly, which leads to disfigurement requiring earlobe repair.

Earlobe Repair Methods

Since the diversity of the deformities, there is no standardized earlobe repair technique. Each deformity requires a customized design or a new design creation as considering the shape and size of the torn parts.

Split earlobe repair is relatively simple amongst all deformities. In split earlobe repair, we peel the skin on the torn surface surgically. Afterward we suture the edges each other reciprocally.

Suturing the torn edges may seem the earlobe repair procedure was completed. However if left so, suture line would cause notching at the earlobe curve. To prevent notching, unlike other surgeons, we design skin flap repositioning. This makeover provides the marginal continuity of the earlobe curve without notching.

Ear stretching repair may be simple like split earlobe repair when the hole is small. However, if the hole is too large and the surrounding tissue is too thin, the earlobe surgery challenges. In such cases, customized designs such as surgical skin peeling and special rolling techniques may require.

Earlobe Repair Procedure

Local anesthesia provides sufficient numbness. Earlobe surgery time varies depending on the complexity of the deformity. While relatively simple repairs take 30 minutes, complicated deformities may take 2 hours.

You may resume your casual life just after the earlobe repair surgery. Yet, post operative care is critical in terms of wound healing. You should follow the surgoens advice which will be explained just after the procedure to achieve a good result without a problem.

When can I re-pierce after earlobe repair?

The timing of re-piercing after earlobe repair is controversial. Some surgeons prefer to wait until the wound healing process completed for re-piercing. Some surgeons leave a little hole during the earlobe surgery let the earrings to use. We would rather delay re-piercing to let the wound heals safely.

Earlobe Reduction Surgery

Oversized earlobe may arise from genetic factors as well as aging. The reason whatsoever is not considerable. The way going to the solution is earlobe reduction surgery. Earlobe reduction surgery aims to achieve proportioned sized earlobe.

Earlobe Reduction Methods

Just before the earlobe reduction, we mark the area which needs removal. Marking needs paying attention and must be precise to achieve absolute symmetry.

There are several surgical designs for earlobe reduction. Amongst these designs, wedge-shaped and “L” shaped tissue removal are the most common designs. However, in extreme cases customized designs may require.

We select the proper earlobe reduction design according to your earlobe size and shape.

How is earlobe reduction procedure?

Local anesthesia provides sufficient numbness. Earlobe reduction surgery takes 30 minutes for each one.

You may resume your casual life just after procedure. The surgical wound heals in 1 week completely. Tge surgeon will also explain how you should care of the wound.

The surgical mark fades in 2-3 months after earlobe reduction and becomes invisible.

Are earlobe reduction results permanent?

Since any part of the body does not have re-growing characteristic, likewise, the earlobes do not grow after earlobe reduction either. Therefore the result of the earlobe reduction is permanent.

Visit the ear surgery page to get the information regarding ear deformities.

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Authored By Dr. K Prem Anand - Facio Maxillary & Aesthetic Surgeon, Bangalore

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