Laser Dentistry in Bangalore

Anew An Advanced aesthetic Daycare offers Waterlase; the breakthrough in laser dentistry that enables our dentists to use minimal and in some cases even no anesthetic or drills to perform many routine dental procedures. Which makes it the most comfortable and pain-free experience. Also, Waterlase is a safe and gentle alternative to traditional dental tools, it will finally make going to the dentist a fun experience again!

Benefits of Water Lase

  • No shot. No drill. No fear
    Waterlase allows for quick, effective dental treatments with less pain and distress. Benefits include:
  • Exceptional patient comfort
    Because Waterlase eliminates the main triggers of pain – heat, pressure and vibration – dentists can now perform many routine procedures without anesthesia. This means pain-free dental visits, less need for pain medications and fewer numb lips.
  • Safety and precision
    Waterlase is so precise that it allows dentists to minimize and completely eliminate bleeding, swelling and post-operative pain. Waterlase removes tooth enamel decay, bone and gum tissue precisely while leaving surrounding areas unaffected. This lets your dentist preserve more of the healthy tooth structure.
  • Reduced trauma
    Dental drills can cause microfractures in the teeth that can eventually lead to future dental problems. Waterlase reduces damage to healthy portions of the tooth, thus, minimizing trauma.
  • Fewer dental visits
    Since you often do not need shots or anesthesia, a Waterlase dentist can perform cavity preps in all areas of the mouth in just one visit.
  • Reduced risk for cross-contamination
    Waterlase avoids the potential for bacterial and viral transmission because the laser tips are never in contact with the target area during dental procedures. Additionally, the energy emitted from the laser kills pathogens on the spot, providing a truly sterile environment.
  • Versatility
    Waterlase can be used for a variety of hard and soft tissue procedures including decay removal, cavity preparation, root canals, gum surgical procedures and many others.

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Authored By Dr. K Prem Anand - Facio Maxillary & Aesthetic Surgeon, Bangalore

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