Tooth Extraction in Bangalore

Preserving your natural teeth to maintain their strength and health is the priority of our dental specialists. Whether your tooth has been damaged due to decay or trauma, our dentists will examine it carefully to determine the best treatment plan such as a filling, covering it with a crown or other treatment options.

However, if you neglect the tooth to the point where it suffers a severe level of damage where the tooth can no longer be saved, a root canal treatment along with tooth extraction is recommended. Tooth extraction is typically a short outpatient procedure performed by a dentist or an oral surgeon.

The oral and maxillofacial surgeon will numb the tooth first to ensure you experience no pain during the procedure. While tooth extraction may still be unpleasant, it can be the key to relieving dental pain and preventing future dental problems. Our dentists and surgeons are experts on pain management and they will make sure you feel comfortable during the entire treatment.

Reasons you may need a tooth extraction

  • A tooth has been badly damaged by decay or trauma
  • Wisdom tooth complications
  • To make space in your mouth for an orthodontic treatment
  • Periodontal and gum disease
  • Teeth that are overcrowded
  • If a baby tooth is blocking another tooth from coming in, your pediatric dentist may suggest tooth extraction

Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Bangalore

Painless treatment with flawless accuracy

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars and the last teeth to develop in our jaw. They usually come in between the ages of 17 and 25 at the back of the mouth behind the last standing teeth.

When is wisdom teeth removal required?

If you’re told that your wisdom teeth are “impacted”, it means that there is not enough space for them to grow into the jaw in a normal position or when they break through the gum at an angle or in an unexpected location.

Dentists or oral surgeons often remove impacted wisdom teeth because they may sometimes trap food, plaque, and other debris in the soft tissue around it, leading to swelling, gum tenderness, cavities, and bad breath. Over time, your wisdom teeth may decay and even affect the adjacent teeth.

Wisdom teeth should be removed only if there is a good clinical reason to do so. Your dentist will take X-rays and thoroughly examine your mouth before making any decisions.

In general, wisdom teeth need to be removed if there is unrestorable decay in the wisdom tooth, non-treatable nerve damage, cellulitis, abscess, tumours, jaw infections and damage to neighbouring teeth.

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Authored By Dr. K Prem Anand - Facio Maxillary & Aesthetic Surgeon, Bangalore

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