Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore

Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore

20+ Years Exclusively Dedicated to Hair Transplants with Undetectable Natural Results

Anew Cosmetic Clinic, one of the finest hair transplant and hair restoration centres based in Bangalore, has been offering minimally invasive hair transplant procedures, providing relief to balding and loss of hair in both men and women using advanced cosmetic technologies such as FUE, FUT, Bio Enhanced FUE and so on. Hair transplant procedures aid in transplanting healthy hair from your scalp to the areas where there is thinning or loss of hair. This natural method of hair transplant using various technologies is performed by expert plastic surgeons with more than 25 years of experience at ANEW.

At our clinic, we deal with mild to severe hair loss cases. For the last 20+ years, we have been offering the latest solution to our hair loss patients. We offer effective and advanced hair treatment. Our treatments result in optimum results in very less discomfort.

Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore

What is Hair transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical procedure where the surgeon fills the area of your scalp having thin or no hair at all. The surgery is done to treat male-pattern baldness, where the surgeon takes hair follicles from the thicker parts of the scalp or other parts of the body. The hair follicles are then grafted or implanted in the head with a bald or thin scalp. The procedure is done under local anaesthesia to numb the scalp area for a minimal pain procedure. Hair loss is considered one of the most common conditions that affect a large portion of the population, including 85% of males and 40% of females. Every year, the incidence of hair fall keeps increasing with age for both male & female. Hair loss can be results of heredity, hormonal change, medical condition, or aging. Hair loss is more common in men.

Steps Of Hair Transplant Procedure

  • STEP 1: Consultation and Treatment Plan
  • STEP 2: Blood Tests
  • STEP 3: Hairline Design and Reconstruction
  • STEP 4: Local Anesthesia
  • STEP 5: Harvesting of Grafts from Donor Site
  • STEP 6: Sites Creation
  • STEP 7: Implantation of the Grafts into the Sites
  • STEP 8: Inspection of the Implanted Follicles
  • STEP 9: Dressing
  • STEP 10: Instructions and Discharge

Who Needs A Hair Transplant?

Hair falls are most common in men than women. Several statistics carried around the world, have proved that a considerable percentage of men suffer from hair loss until the age of 30. During the 40s many men suffer from situations of acute baldness. Doctors and specialists have pointed out certain reasons behind this phenomenon.

  • Genetic disorder: Sometimes due to genetic problems and natural inheritance from the family, most men face hair fall at a very young age. Although, this can be treated by taking simple ways of treatment and hair transplant procedures.
  • Depressions and anxiety: Since the world is continuously advancing, people do not get much time for themselves. The rising value of different products has made the earning members specifically men be confronted with cases of depression and anxiety. This is considered as a major reason for causing hair fall in men.
  • Deficit of hormones: It is known that the male sex hormone testosterone is the sole hormone responsible for hair growth within the body. After the age of 30, most men suffer from deficiency of these hormones which results in hair fall. Therapy and intake of medicines can cure this issue.
  • Other issues: Nutritional deficiencies and many other infections are also responsible for hair fall and baldness.

Benefits Of Hair Transplant From ANEW Bangalore

The benefits of a hair transplant are:

  • Treats baldness: People who are experiencing baldness might consider undergoing a hair transplant operation. Because the procedures utilized in the hair transplantation process have a long-term effect on hairs, it is certain to permanently cure baldness in the head.
  • Provides a good hairline: Hair transplants benefit a patient by providing a natural-looking hairline. These hairlines are far superior to any other type of hair growth technique.
  • Cost-effective: Unlike any other surgical procedure, hair transplantation is the most cost-effective. So, if one has decided to go ahead with the surgical procedure, he or she can be assured that the procedure will cost a lot of money.

Why choose ANEW for hair transplant

Anew Cosmetic Clinic, one of the finest hair transplant and hair restoration centres based in Bangalore, has been offering minimally invasive hair transplant procedures, providing relief to balding and loss of hair in both men and women using advanced cosmetic technologies such as FUE, FUT, Bio Enhanced FUE and so on. Hair transplant procedures aid in transplanting healthy hair from your scalp to the areas where there is thinning or loss of hair. This natural method of hair transplant using various technologies is performed by expert plastic surgeons with more than 25 years of experience at ANEW.

At our clinic, we deal with mild to severe hair loss cases. For the last 20+ years, we have been offering the latest solution to our hair loss patients. We offer effective and advanced hair treatment. Our treatments result in optimum results in very less discomfort.

We educate our patients so they can make informed decisions and we guide them to avoid making decisions they might later regret. We wish to perform hair transplantation only for those who will truly benefit from hair restoration. We will perform hair transplants to the highest standards of quality so that our patients will enjoy the results of their procedure for the rest of their days, and will always be happy they decided to have hair transplantation at ANEW.

Hair loss can be an emotionally debilitating condition. At best, it’s a nuisance but just part of life we must deal with, at worst, it can affect self-confidence, self-image and can even cause anxiety or depression. Seeking effective surgical treatments to remedy hair loss can be a mine field, with so many options to choose from ANEW we are passionate about offering our patients the right advice so that they can make an informed decision about their treatment. We receive common hair transplant questions frequently, and have answered just a few below.

What is cost of hair transplant ?

The cost depends on numbers of grafts to be implanted & expertise of the surgeon.

Am I a good candidate?

People who can undergo hair transplants are men suffering from pattern baldness, women with thin hair, or anyone who has lost some hair from a burn or previous scalp injury.

What are the benefits of hair transplant?

The benefits of a hair transplant are:

  • Treats baldness: People who are experiencing baldness might consider undergoing a hair transplant operation. Because the procedures utilized in the hair transplantation process have a long-term effect on hairs, it is certain to permanently cure baldness in the head.
  • Provides a good hairline: Hair transplants benefit a patient by providing a natural-looking hairline. These hairlines are far superior to any other type of hair growth technique.
  • Cost-effective: Unlike any other surgical procedure, hair transplantation is the most cost-effective. So, if one has decided to go ahead with the surgical procedure, he or she can be assured that the procedure will cost a lot of money.
  • It will improve your aesthetic appearance
  • Increased confidence
  • Restored hair in bald spots
  • Covered receding proper hairline

How safe is a hair transplant?

Hair transplant is a safe and effective procedure itsdone by an expert cosmetic surgeon. The hair follicles grow back naturally to give your hair a more natural appearance. In addition, an experienced surgeon ensures minimal post-operative risks and complications.

Will I get a natural look after a hair transplant?

Yes, there are high chances your new hair will appear natural.

Types of Hair transplant

Follicular Unit Strip Surgery (FUT)

FUT, a surgeon cuts a strip of skin from your scalp, usually from the back of your head. The exact size of the strip depends on the number of follicles needed to cover bald spots. The strip usually doesn’t exceed 1 to 1.5 centimetres (0.4 to 0.6 inches) wide. Once the individual follicles are removed from the strip, they’re re-inserted into your scalp in a pattern that looks natural& the surgeon will close your scalp with sutures &finally antibiotic and bandages will be applied to your scalp.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI)

This technique begins with the placement of hair follicles from donors into the implanter. At this stage, the hair follicles are placed on the implant and the hair transplantation tool is made ready for hair transplantation. After the implanter is ready, hair transplant specialists begin to transplant hair follicles at an angle of 40 – 45 degrees. Here, experts have to continue hair transplantation by paying attention to the direction of the person’s healthy hair. The needle that is used for hair transplantation with the DHI technique has the feature of pushing the hair follicles inside. Although this hair transplant technique is more expensive than other hair transplant techniques.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

In FUE, the extraction of intact follicular unit is dependent on the principle that the area of attachment of arrector muscle to the follicular unit is the tightest zone. Once this is made loose and separated from the surrounding dermis, the inferior segment can be extracted easily. Because the follicular unit is narrowest at the surface, one needsto use small micropunches of size 0.6–0.8 mm and therefore the resulting scar is too small to be recognised

Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore

Donor area after FUE hair transplant of 7 days


FUE is a type of hair transplantation in which the method of extraction is different but implantation is the same as FUT. It is a sutureless method of hair restoration in which hair follicles are extracted from the back of head under local anaesthesia with the help of special micro punches and implanted in the bald area.

On the day of surgery, the entire donor area from the back of the head is trimmed to 1–2 mm length. The patient lies in the prone position on the operating table. Local anaesthesia with Xylocaine, 1% diluted with saline, is administered slowly over the entire donor area.

The grafts are then extracted from the donor area with the help of 0.8 and 1 mm special micropunches. The extraction of follicles is done under 2.5 – 5× magnification

Instruments used in FUE hair transplant

  • Step 1: With the sharp side of the micropunch, scoring of the scalp skin containing follicular unit is done.
  • Step 2: Then dull side of the punch is introduced in the same area and is twisted to loosen the follicular unit. At the same time, the assistant applies counter traction to facilitate the penetration of the punch inside the dermis.
  • Step 3: The assistant gently takes out the graft with the help of forceps. The extracted grafts are then preserved in saline or cool Ringer’s lactate solution.
  • The extracted graft may consist of 1 to 4 or rarely even 5 or 6 hairs. This is the most time consuming and tedious part of the whole procedure. After the extraction is over, the grafts are implanted in a similar way as in the rest of FUT.

Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore

FUE grafts containing 5 and 6 hairs


Patient’s perspective

  • Can sport short hair
  • Minimal post-operative recovery time
  • Microscopic scars in donor area are almost invisible
  • No need to visit surgeon again for stitch removal
  • Can use body hair for added density with this technique only
  • Can cover pre existing scar of strip surgery with FUE

Comparison of FUT strip method and FUE

Observation Strip FUE
Pain after the procedure Minor None
Stitches required Yes No
Extensive bleeding during or after the procedure May occur No
Wearing hairstyle short in the donor area Not possible Possible
Natural results Yes Yes
Nerve damage, numbness, permanent pain Possibly No
Healing time: donor area 2-3 weeks Approx. 7 days
Healing time: recipient area Approx 14 days 5-7 days
Recovery time needed before exercise is possible 2–3 weeks 1–2 weeks
Amount of time after which patient may return to work The day after Usually the day after
Visible scarring with short hair at back May be present Microscopic scars
Reactions to suture materials Seen rarely Never a problem
Shaving of head not needed needed
Fatigue not tiring tiring


Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore


Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore

Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore

Most Trusted Hair Transplant Clinic in Bangalore

FAQ’s on Hair Transplant with Dr Prem Anand

Authored By Dr. K Prem Anand - Facio Maxillary & Aesthetic Surgeon, Bangalore
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